Interview Tips
Careful preparation is one of the keys to a successful interview
Although the interview process is one which is with inherent unknown factors, it is still the most vital part of the recruitment process. Making the right impression with an interviewer will make the difference between a job offer and rejection, so it is a good idea to do your homework well before you meet with your potential employer.
Some interviews will be relaxed, some more structured and sophisticated, but the same basic ground rules will always apply:
Before – interview
- Research on the company via website or other social medial platform. If not give them a call and request for it via email
- Review job description of the role and if not available research online for similar or same role functions
- Ensure you have the name and job title of the person you are meeting
- Dress appropriately – possibly suit for men and skirt suit or dress for ladies, first impressions count!
- Give yourself time to arrive early and to allow for traffic delays or getting lost
- Be punctual, arrive 10 minutes early and let the receptionist know you have arrived
- Take a spare copy of your CV and read it through again in case you get asked about it
At the interview
- Be enthusiastic and show you are reasonably informed about the organisation and the role
- Take the interview seriously, your attitude is every bit as important as your qualifications
- Listen when the interviewer is talking but by all means ask intelligent and/or searching questions
- Be honest, but also ensure you actively promote your skills and potential
- Avoid one-word answers, especially “no”
- If you do not know the answer to a question, say so, or if you do not understand the question always ask for clarification
- If you have any doubts about the vacancy or the company you should keep them to yourself during the interview
- Do not criticize previous employers
- As the interview draws to a close ask how you have done if the interviewer seems evasive or negative ask them to explain their reservations for you to positively respond outlining your strengths
After the interview
Following the interview always call or email us with your feedback so we can progress the opportunity with the client
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is a two-way process – The Company interviews you and you can interview the Company
For an in-depth and practical session to get a better understanding of how to nail the job interview please click on the button below and book an individual session with our career consultants who have the necessary experience to help you present yourself in the best possible light.